Big Brother Naija star, Doyin David, has clapped back at her fellow contestant, Deeone, who mocked her preference for living on Lagos Island instead of the mainland. In an interview on Channels TV, Doyin expressed her strong stance on not wanting to live on the mainland, even if she married someone from there. This triggered Deeone to ridicule her statement, calling her unrealistic and proud. However, in a subsequent interview on HipTV, Doyin addressed the mockery and referred to the critic as "stupid" and "irresponsible.Clink here to watch video
Doyin clarified her statement, explaining that even if her future husband wanted to live on the mainland, they would have to find a compromise, but she still wouldn't choose to live there herself. She emphasized that just because the Big Brother Naija show was aired on the mainland doesn't mean she has to live there. Doyin firmly stood by her preference for living on Lagos Island, unapologetically stating, "I'm not going to move to the mainland.Clink here
It's clear that Doyin is confident in her choice and won't let anyone belittle her preferences.
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